A would-be bank robber turned into a would-be bank customer earlier this month, police say. The suspect walked into a Bayonne, New Jersey bank and handed a teller a note demanding “all the money.” But as the teller read the note, he snatched it back and said he wanted to open an account, instead. A customer service rep met with him in another area, but the suspect didn’t have the ID needed to open an account. As the man was meeting with yet another employee, the teller told the customer service rep about the note. That employee confronted the suspect and escorted him out of the building; by the time police and bank security were alerted to the incident, he was gone. An investigation continues.
Joshua had a hard act to follow–he was Moses’ successor. Moses, he of the ten commandments, Red Sea split in two, that Moses. For forty years in the Arabian peninsula, Joshua watched Moses and he learned. He also witnessed those who rebelled against God, and he took note of them as well. Out of the 600,00 military-aged men that saw the ten plagues destroy Egypt, that watched the miracle of the Red Sea parting, not one of those men survived the wilderness. Why? Because, like the bank robber above, they couldn’t make up their mind.
These men promised to keep the commands of God, then, changed their mind and built a golden calf to worship. They repented when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, then turned away from God, partying with the Midianites.
At the end of his life, Joshua had one thing to tell the offspring of those fallen rebels. “Choose you this day whom you will serve(i.e. make up your mind)…but as for me and my house , we will serve the Lord.'”